About me

Over twenty years ago I made a simple website, things were very basic in those days and download speeds were painfully slow so the animations were tiny. One of my first animated gifs was a spinning red rose and a search for animated red rose on the limited search engines would always find me on the first page.

Over time the website grew and I eventually had many hundreds of small animated gifs that I had created in a 3D modelling program. The website used to get several thousand hits per day until a Google search update algorithm called Panda suddenly removed my website from nearly all search requests. I suspect that it could not recognise my work as truly original and considered it just a collection of animated gifs collected from the web, as most other similar sites were.

The website, called SevenoakArt, chugged along for a while with limited visits until a website called Giphy made its appearance, this site suddenly had a big monopoly when searching for anything with animated gif in the search term and I decided then that it was time to kill my old site off. Strangely many of my small animated gifs can be found on Giphy with no attribution to me, it would be a lot of work sending a notice of copyright infringement to every animation involved and as they are small and not considered my best work I did not bother. It seems they were not interested in including me as an official artist either.

I spent a long time on Google+ and over the years, as broadband speeds improved my animations became bigger and better and a lot of the time I used the source files that I made when constructing the small animations on my original website. With G+ closing I decided to add most of the animations I had added to collections to this website, it does not get many hits but I enjoy being creative even if just a few people benefit these days

Some of my animations have been used on Pluspora and I have even created some animated emojis that can be used there. Just as an experiment I even created another blog to showcase my stuff and showcase any new animations

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